Anjali Mudra
Our November pose of the month is actually an addition you can make to any pose you’re practicing. Anjali Mudra, or prayer hands, is where the palms are pressed together in front of the heart space, symbolizing equanimity and reverence. It can be used to channel gratitude and humility and is often an opportunity to go within. When we take a moment to pause with hands in Anjali mudra you may even become aware of the energy passing in between your palms. In essence, this hand gesture is about slowing down and taking stock to create a mental space primed for gratitude, much like how Thanksgiving presents us a whole day to do just that!
Studies show that regularly practicing gratitude can have profound effects on your overall well being. It has shown strong correlations to improved mental health, stronger relationships, better sleep, and increased resilience. Gratitude shifts perspective, widens the lens, and helps us see the wholeness of our given circumstances. Practice Anjali Mudra with us this month to aid the cultivation of gratitude and join us for 30 Days of Gratitude on our Instagram to get grounded in appreciation and foster inner peace.