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December Pose of the Month

This month’s Pose of the Month is Garland (Malasana)- a grounding posture that promotes deep inner hip flexibility, stability of the joints, and a sense of inner connection with hands meeting at heart space as an invitation to go deep within. This shape presents the perfect opportunity to pause amidst the holiday hustle and bustle. Much like the decorative garlands that adorn our homes, symbolizing unity and festivity, emphasizing connection with others, Garland Pose encourages us to connect to ourselves, unifying mind, body, breath, and intention. It takes great focus in this deep squat to notice where we place the weight of our body, often falling inward when the goal is to stay open and expand, by pressing into the outside edges of the feet, lifting the heart space, and keeping the knees pointing toward the outer toes. Here’s to staying open with clear intentions and mindful focus this holiday season. 

Happy Holidays,

Your PLAY team

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